Snow Walking Along The Riviere St. Charles

I’m lucky because it’s only a 10-minute walk to the St. Charles River, a beautiful river that runs through Quebec City.  It provides me with a little bit of urban nature and the ability to walk for several kilometers without having to deal with automobiles.

Yesterday was my first attempt to walk it and while I had to crunch along on top of icy snow, there were some places where the path was clear.  The day was nice in any case and I stopped to sketch this cluster of trees on the other side of the river.  It’s sooooooo… nice to be sketching outdoors.


4 thoughts on “Snow Walking Along The Riviere St. Charles

  1. Oh Larry, you so remind me that drawing with pen and ink with a lovely toned paper is heaven. Beautiful drawing.

    • Funny you should say that, Connie. The more I sketch the less I feel the need for color and the more potential I see for pen and ink, if only I can develop my skills. That toned paper is in an inexpensive generic sketchbook (9×12) that I ran through my bandsaw to create two 6×9 sketchbooks. Gave one to my buddy Yvan and we’ve been using them lately. Wish the paper quality was more like my Stillman & Birn sketchbooks, though, as I get some feathering from my ink.

      Cheers — Larry

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